Release of Information Consent Form

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Release of Information


Authorization for Release of Health Information


Of patient/client information


 Name of Patient or Authorized Representative

Sign Here
Sign Here

Additional Authorization

Certain information is covered by additional protection and requires specific authorization. To authorize release or discussion of the following type of information, the person named above must initial and date each item. If an item is not initialed and dated, the information, if such information exists, cannot be released or discussed.
Select information types that apply and specify the date range of additional authorization release period.


The above-named person has the following rights:

This authorization is effective for the above requested and authorized health care information only. You may ask for and receive a copy of this authorization form.

This authorization will expire on the date you indicated above. Additionally, you may revoke this authorization at any time by submitting a written request to this clinic or caretaker. Your revocation will be honored except to the extent that is been acted upon in good faith while in force.

You have the right to inspect the information you are authorizing to be re-released. This and other specific rights regarding the handling of your health information are outlined in our Privacy Practices document.

The information you are authorizing to be released could be re-released or disclosed by the recipient. Such additional disclosures or releases may not be prohibited by law. We are not responsible for the actions of others who may be provided with information released as a result of this authorization.

You may refuse to sign this authorization. Such refusal will not affect your ability to obtain treatment except to the extent that the information being requested may assist your health care provider in determining appropriate treatment. Your refusal to sign this authorization will not affect your eligibility for benefits.